

If the Posts web part on the Post.aspx page is removed, the page does not display the selected blog post. This can affect the Valo Intranet News blog post. Follow steps outlined in this article to resolve this issue.


  1. Google Chrome browser
  2. SP Editor Chrome extension, installed and configured per Instructions in the extension landing page
  3. Admin permissions on the site
  4. Access to an unaffected blog site
  5. Ability to follow directions


The resolution involves using SP Editor, a chrome extension that allows you do perform advanced tasks in SharePoint.
  1. Get the list id of the affected Posts list
    1. Navigate to the Posts list
    2. Open its Settings
    3. Copy List ID from URL
  2. Record list id in a temp area
  3. Get Posts web part code from unaffected blog site
    1. Navigate to the unaffected SharePoint blog site and open a blog entry.
    2. Start Chrome developer tools and switch to the SP Editor extension
    3. Click on Page Editor
    4. Copy code for the Posts web part to Notepad or another editor
    5. Close Chrome tools
    6. Replace List ID references (in GUID format) with list id recorded in step 2 above
    7. Replace List URL references with URL that points to the affected list
    8. Copy entire code into clipboard memory
  4. Update affected Post page with Posts web part
    1. Open affected Post page
    2. Start Chrome developer tools and switch to the SP Editor extension
    3. Click on Page Editor
    4. Click on the web part slot above Comments (or in the appropriate location)
    5. Paste code from 3.7
    6. Press Ctrl+S to save the page
    7. Exit Chrome developer tools
  5. Optional (for Valo Intranet) - add JSLink code to display featured news image and other metadata
    1. Edit newly fixed page and edit Posts web part properties
    2. Open Miscellaneous section
    3. Paste the following to enable news image display and other metadata
      1. ~sitecollection/Style Library/Valo/valo-advanced-news-post.js
    4. Save the web part and publish the page