IMPORTANT: Before you can complete steps in this article, you must enable SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure site collection feature. If you do not see the Content and structure link in the Site Administration section of Site Settings, make sure to enable the site collection feature mentioned previously.

You will need to have Contribute rights in order to access the Content and structure page. Your permissions will govern what you can and cannot do with objects in the target SharePoint list.

Check-in Multiple Files

  1. Ensure that the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure site collection feature has been activated
  2. Open Site Settings
  3. Click on Content and structure link in the Site Administration section.
  4. Navigate to the document library with checked out files
  5. On the toolbar, choose View: Checked Out to Me or View: All Draft Documents, or work with document list as is shown on the screen
  6. Select checked out documents
  7. On the Actions menu, choose Check In.